Friday 27' 2020
The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the throat that secretes
two hormones – thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) into the bloodstream.
These hormones are needed primarily by our body for the proper functioning of
the body cells, it also influences the formation of bones and muscles, heart
health and even cholesterol levels.
Thyroid gland functions by absorbing iodine from dietary nutrients and
converting it into the building blocks for hormones.
Although there are many reasons for hyperthyroidism, the most common
causes include pituitary problems, hypothalamus problems and iodine deficiency
(nearly affects 2 billion people worldwide).
We have enlisted some facts about thyroid imbalance that everyone should
be aware of.
Thyroid Causes
The function of the thyroid gland is to produce and regulate the thyroid
hormones which affect energy levels, weight, and even mood. Hyperthyroidism can
be a cause for depression due to an imbalance in the production of hormones. As
depression is a symptom to other health conditions, blood tests are generally
ordered to avoid misdiagnosis.
Thyroid Can Lead To
The reasons causing thyroid cancer are still unknown, but a family
history of goiter, exposure to high levels of radiation, and several hereditary
syndromes affect the development of the thyroid cancer.
Studies show that women more than men have the possibility of having
thyroid cancer.
The most common symptoms of thyroid cancer are – a lump or nodule in the
throat, troubles in swallowing, pain in the neck or throat, cough and vocal
It is advisable to consult a doctor if more than one of these symptoms
are noticed and get an early diagnosis.
Thyroid Affects
Women More Than Men
Globally the 4% of the population is affected by hypothyroidism, out of
which women make the majority party. The female to male ratio of patients
affected by hypothyroidism is 8:1. The most common reason for
hyperthyroidism in women is the autoimmune condition known as Graves’ disease,
where antibodies target the gland and cause it to speed up hormone production.
Thyroid Can Cause
Weight Gain
Excess thyroid hormone causes your basal metabolic weight to increase.
Hypothyroidism typically increases your appetite and thus an increase in the
intake of calorie which leads to weight gain. Eating a proper nutritional diet
and exercising regularly can help in managing your weight and burning the extra
Thyroid Disorders
Can Be Difficult To Diagnose
Often, symptoms of thyroid disorder may be overlooked since they are
gradual and not specific. But it is a recommended practice that one should
consult a doctor when one or more symptoms of the disorder are noticed, as
thyroid, if left untreated can lead to fatal diseases and even cost the patient
their life.
The thyroid plays a crucial role in the functioning of the body and an
imbalance of this hormone can cause a lot of complication in your health and
Get yourself checked regularly and consult a physician if any symptoms
are noticed to get timely and proper treatment.
To share your views and ideas on Thyroid Hormone Imbalance Euroscicon cordially invites you to join the Conference of "Annual Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology" which is going to be held on August 12-13, 2020 in Dublin, Ireland.
Submit your abstract:
Contact us: +441995310009
Jerusha Susan | Conference Director
Diabetes - Endocrinology 2020
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