Hypothyroidism and Adrenal Fatigue: What You Need to Know!

May 28' 2020

Your adrenal glands sit atop your kidneys, where they have a very important job. 
According to the Society for Endocrinology, the adrenal glands secrete hormones, 
or chemical messengers, into your bloodstream, 
where they travel to various parts of your body to do their work.
But sometimes the adrenal glands go haywire, overproducing the stress hormone cortisol (Cushing’s disease)
or not producing enough hormones (Addison’s disease or adrenal insufficiency), says 
Frederick Singer, MD, director of the endocrinology and bone disease program at 
the John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.
Some nontraditional physicians recognize another adrenal condition: adrenal fatigue. 
They say adrenal fatigue is when you’re under a great deal of stress and, as a result, 
your adrenal glands just can’t keep up with your body’s demands for hormones.
According to David Borenstein, MD, an integrative medicine physician in New York City, 
when you have adrenal fatigue, you feel run down. You have low energy, yet you can’t sleep. 
You must rely on stimulants like caffeine to get you through the day, 
and you may also have headaches and find yourself craving salt and sugar.
“Many doctors that practice alternative or integrative medicine believe you can have 
mild or moderate cases of adrenal problems,” Dr. Borenstein says. 
“It doesn’t have to be extreme to affect you.”

Hypothyroidism and Adrenal Gland Troubles
The thyroid is another gland responsible for producing hormones that keep your body running optimally. 
When the thyroid gland, which is in the lower front of your neck, isn’t functioning well, 
you can become tired, forgetful, and depressed — similar to adrenal symptoms. 
Other signs of hypothyroidism include feeling cold, dry skin, and constipation.
Because some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are similar to adrenal fatigue, 
the two conditions can be confused, Borenstein says. In addition, people with hypothyroidism 
often have weak adrenal glands, he adds. The two glands work together to supply essential hormones 
and deliver them where they need to be throughout the body. 
When your adrenal glands aren’t producing enough cortisol and 
you have a thyroid problem, it can make the situation much worse, Borenstein says.

Controversy Around Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue is somewhat of a controversial topic. According to the Endocrine Society, 
adrenal fatigue is a myth promoted by health books and alternative medicine websites. 
“There are no scientific facts to support the theory that long-term mental, emotional, 
or physical stress drains the adrenal glands and causes many common symptoms,” 
the society says on the Hormone Health Network website.
“Adrenal fatigue isn’t an accepted diagnosis,” Dr. Singer says. 
“It’s not something doctors are taught about in medical school.”
However, if you take synthetic hormones for hypothyroidism and still experience fatigue 
and other symptoms, it’s important to determine the cause, Singer says. 
Extreme fatigue can be a symptom of many health other conditions, 
such as depression, that are identifiable and treatable, he says.
There’s no test for adrenal fatigue, according to the Endocrine Society. 
However, if your traditional doctor believes your synthetic thyroid hormone 
should be making you feel better and it’s not, you can schedule an appointment 
with a doctor that practices alternative or integrative medicine 
if you’re interested in learning more about adrenal fatigue.
If Borenstein suspects adrenal fatigue, his first recommendation is to practice relaxation techniques 
like meditation and deep breathing. He also recommends cutting back on 
high-fructose corn syrup, gluten, and stimulants (such as caffeine) and to get good sleep.

Treating Adrenal Fatigue
If making these types of lifestyle changes don’t help improve your symptoms, 
you can take supplements to build your adrenal glands back up, Borenstein says.
However, many endocrinologists warn that taking adrenal hormone supplements 
when you don’t need them is dangerous. “These hormone supplements could cause your 
adrenal glands to stop working,” Singer says. The glands could become unable to 
make the hormones you need when you’re under physical stress, he says, 
and you could be in danger of going into adrenal crisis, a life-threatening condition.
Before taking any supplements, be sure to talk to your doctor and undergo any testing 
to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.
